Welcome to Class 6H
Autumn 1 KIRF Autumn 2 KIRF Spring 1 KIRF
Year Six is an important year for your child and you can help them get the most from this important year by ensuring that they are at school and on time whenever possible and that homework tasks and nightly reading are completed as they help to extend and build on the work done in class.
The Key Stage Two tests are scheduled to take place next year. These are now timetabled to begin on Monday 12th May 2025 until Thursday 15th May 2025. Your child will be tested on Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, Reading, Arithmetic and two Reasoning papers in Maths.
Writing will be teacher assessed throughout the year.
Class Teacher - Mrs. Harvey
TA - Mrs Strutz
PPA Cover - Mrs O'Hare (Tuesday afternoons)
Click on the images below to take you the part of the page you want to view.
Curriculum Overview
Useful Websites
Click here to see what the children in 6H will be learning about this year and to learn more about our learning this term take a look at our newsletter at the top of the page. The half termly newsletter informs you about the learning which will take place each half term. On the newsletter you will find out all about out PE days and topics we are covering. Please encourage your child and ask them questions related to their learning.
PE is on a Tuesday and Thursday. The children need to bring their PE kit to school on these days. Please ensure that this is appropriate for the weather, with outdoor footwear and a sweatshirt which is separate to their uniform.
Our termly Homework activities are sent home/emailed and need to be returned to school by Friday 28th March.
Children will be asked to access Times Table Rockstars as frequently as possible each week and the EPIC reading site. These log-ins were sent home on the homework sheet last term.
Spellings will be sent home each week from the high frequency word lists and will be tested on Fridays.
Our KIRF this half term is multiplying and dividing by powers of ten.
PLEASE ensure you read with your child as often as possible. Books will be changed as often as required.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and looking forward to an exciting year!
Thank you for visiting our page. Please come back and look again!
Mrs H Harvey and Mrs J Strutz
6H teacher and TA